Tuesday, January 22, 2008

So early in the new year for so much cynicism

Tonight the battle lines will be drawn in the fight to save Trenton Central High School. On the one side, the cash strapped State of NJ who is bullying the equally cash strapped City of Trenton and it's School Board into accepting a "new school or nothing" approach to updating the facilities. On the the other side are the preservationists, alumni, and common sense advocates struggling to hold onto this beautiful old edifice.

Certainly, if Trenton's City and Schools Administration actually knew what they were doing and had treated the existing TCHS building as the treasure it is, we wouldn't be in this bind.

And if the State hadn't thrown away all of the school funding through the badly managed SCC and just gone with the plan that was prepped and ready to go three or four years ago, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

But the fact remains, our government entities have failed us once again. And now the community is left holding the bag of crap our "leaders" have dealt us.

It is time for the State to get off of its high horse and release the money for the renovation of TCHS. Period.

And we, as a community, need to stand tall and demand our school board, Superintendent Lofton, and the City Administration meet their collective and individual responsibilities to see that this gets done and gets done right.

And along the way, school board member Lucy Guzman should reimburse the district the $300 for the on-line course her daughter is taking for free.

We're in this mess because too many people have fed too long and too well at the public trough while our facilities go wanting.

Stop. Now.

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